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What is Renewable Diesel?
What is petroleum diesel fuel and what is its primary uses?
What are Renewable Fuels?
What is Biodiesel?
What are the Differences between Petroleum diesel, RD and BD?
How does Renewable Diesel compare to Fossil Diesel?
Renewable Diesel is cleaner burning than Petroleum Diesel
How will Renewable Diesel Perform in my engine?
What are Renewable Diesel’s Storage Benefits?
What is a drop-in fuel?
What are Renewable Jet Fuel, Renewable Naphtha, and Renewable Propane?
What are the feedstocks used to make RD?
What are the other feedstocks and processes to produce Renewable Diesel other than by hydrogenation?
What is the Hydrogenation Process used to produce Renewable Diesel?
What are the Incentives for Renewable Diesel?
What is the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)?
What is the RD incentive under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)
What is the Biomass Based Diesel Tax Credit (BTC)?
Is Renewable Diesel a Biomass Based Diesel?
What is the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)?
Renewable Diesel has a lower Carbon Intensity than Petroleum Diesel
What is the incentive under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)?
Renewable Diesel Is Critical to Meeting the LCFS Goals
What is the California Cap and Trade Program (C&T)?
What is the RD incentive in the California Cap and Trade Program (C&T)?
How do the emissions from Renewable Diesel compare with Electric Vehicles?

Serving the community

The construction of the facility will create hundreds of union jobs. The renewable diesel Valley Green Fuels will produce will directly benefit Kern County and adjacent areas as the products will sell within 100 miles radius of the facility. In addition, the carbon credits generated will advance California’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of fuels used in the transportation industry. This project has a broad and significant impact for California. The use of renewable diesel will reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases versus petroleum diesel. Smog forming NOx will be reduced more than 300 metric tons per years. CO2 emissions will be reduced by two million tons per year.

What we're building

We will use the top technology providers to design our facilities

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